Thursday, June 9, 2011

I could use a cash cab right about now.

So I'm watching "Cash Cab" right now wondering where these cabs were when I needed a ride to my dorm room in college 'cause I was underage drinking on 6th street in Austin?!  I could have used the money, but let's be honest - I was probably too drunk to answer most, if not ALL of these questions.  I would have most definitely been booted out of the cab after three strikes.

On another financial related note, my husband and I were in discussion last night after I watched the CMT awards.  It's a discussion we've had several times recently.  My husband hates that those people (namely singers, actors, professional athletes) make so much money for essentially doing nothing.  I understand his gripe, but I keep telling him that I believe he feels that way because he's jealous.  I mean, not saying that I'm not jealous as well, but I just know that if we were living that life, we wouldn't have a problem with it.  I've never expected to be wealthy.  Not to say it wouldn't be nice, because of course it would (are you crazy!?), but I've never expected it.  I did not grow up wealthy and neither did he.

Aside from being jealous, these people provide entertainment for all of us regular folk.  We're the ones that feed into their wealth, by buying their c.d.'s, going to the theater to watch their latest blockbuster hit, and watching their big playoff games on t.v.  He comes back at me by saying the Death Metal music he listens to is not big enough for those artists to be rich, he never buys c.d.'s, etc.  I guess so...but we go to the occasional movie just like everyone else.  I have purchased c.d.'s for him and taken him to a concert.  But neither one of us are big into watching sports.

I can pinpoint the exact moment that this became an issue for my husband.  He was in a major motor vehicle accident in October 2010 where he was rear-ended by an 18-wheeler.  He was the sole survivor.  Unfortunately, both the driver and passenger in the big rig lost their lives that day.  Luckily, my husband still has his...along with guilt...they say "survivor's guilt," as he was  the only one to walk away that day.  Along with this guilt from the accident comes anger.  And rightly so.  At this point, we're still dealing with worker's compensation, doctors, and lawyers.  He's in constant pain.

My husband has always been the bread-winner, ever since we began dating in January 2007.  I'm the one with the college degree who is supposed to make the big bucks, but let's face these times, anyone is lucky to have a job at all even with a degree.  So, with my husband not being able to work because of his injury, we're living on his check.  I guess I failed to mention that I am unfortunately unemployed as well at the moment. 

My husband's anger stems from the fact that he's not released to full duty so he can't work, my current unemployed status, and all these people providing "entertainment" for doing essentially nothing will be living the good life.  La dolce vita.  Ugh.  I understand, but there's nothing we can do about this right now.  He hasn't been released and I'm actively seeking employment. 

I always remind my husband that it's not his fault he was rear-ended by that truck.  He says he knows it's not his fault and that he didn't do anything wrong, but I know it still eats him up inside every day.  He's pissed because he used to provide for us, but now doesn't have any choice in the matter.  I wish there was something I could do to help his pain. 

He's the type of guy who will give everything he has to make sure those around him are doing well.  He'd do without so that I had enough, the animals had enough, his friends and family had enough...etc.  He's the type of guy who will literally give you the shirt off his back.  I've never met such a caring, giving person in my whole life until I began dating him.  Those of you who began reading me in my Open Diary days in 2001 know that I never wanted to "settle down."  I was a wild child who wanted to continue down that self-destructive path...who wanted to party and go out with friends all the time. 

This man helped me transform into the woman I am today.  This man will always be my better half. 


  1. Thanks for inviting me to follow your blog, Destiny. I've wondered how you're doing. I remember reading many of the details of your life back in those days, yes, and I am glad to say you seem happier and more settled in a good way now! I can't promise I'll follow closely (meaning often) because my life is pretty hectic and busy at the moment, but I will be back (again and again).
    I'm in grad school now, studying psychology. Working as the child advocate for a women's domestic violence shelter, where I do the parenting classes and play with kids as big parts of my job! I also am learning to be a part of someone else's life and to accept him as part of mine in a way that is constantly new and yet the steady same old comfortable thing! XOXO Rebecca

  2. I keep trying to find that Cash Cab Chicago, but nothing yet. I need to show off my collection of useless knowledge.

    It's good to hear from you, it has been too long. I hope everything is great for you. *lots of hugs*


  3. That's terrible about your husband's accident. Hope everything works out on the job front. all the best to both of you.
