Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Why do we feel the need to justify ourselves?

I notice a text received at 7:21a.m. around an hour after it was sent.  "Call me." was all it said, but I replied almost two hours after with a one word reply of: "Busy."  After I sent that, I wondered why I felt the need to justify myself to this texter or to any other person for that matter.  I suppose I should have just ignored the receipt of that message.  OR...I could have just said "No." and even that would have sufficed.  But in one word, I provide not only a response to their message, which is an implied "No," but I also provided an explanation as to why I couldn't call them by saying "Busy."

I guess I felt the need to justify myself for several reasons:  the text was from a family member who is in distress over a child custody battle and I care about and love him.

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