Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blog Challenge - Day 6 - 20 Of My Favorite Things

1.  Family - both my own and my husband's
2.  Singing - been singing since I was a toddler and I never ever go one day without it
3.  Sleeping in on occasion - being without a job has made these "occasions" a little more frequent
4.  Baking yummy desserts - for us, family, friends, and I used to bake for co-workers as well
5.  My babies - 4 indoor cats
6.  Listening to music - all genres, except some of the newer stuff that can hardly be called music
7.  GOOD surprises - like when my husband proposed  :-)
8.  Ice cream - I'm not picky when it comes to ice cream.  Ask my hubby...I could eat ice cream daily.
9.  Walking around barefoot - if not barefoot, then flip flops when I can get away with it.
10.  Flowers - gerber daisies are my favorite.  Simple and beautiful.
11.  Our sweet neighbors - they always invite us for dinner at their house and the wife even made our wedding cakes (my hubby wanted a guitar for his)
12.  Writing - even though lately I haven't been good about keeping up with this blog.
13.  Expressing myself
14.  Art - I loved going to France when I was in high school and visiting the Louvre.
15.  Cool, breezy days - which, here, only occur in Fall
16.  Happiness
17.  Laughter
18.  Western decor - this is how we have our home decorated and I think that's why so many people feel so comfortable visiting us.  I hate going into homes where you don't even know if it's okay to sit on the couch or not. 
19.  Helping others
20.  Going on dates with my husband - I think we're going to see the Winnie The Pooh movie coming out on Friday...and maybe dinner?  It'll be fun.  We're such kids.

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